From me to you
To: The strong-hearted,
I give you the pillar of compassion. Compassion for your brothers and sisters, both of the same and different blood. Our compassion is our strength. Strength to be world changers, mountain movers, and formidable forces in the face of incomprehensible odds. Let your compassion be the catalyst that ignites the eternal flame that becomes the passion for and of life. If this flame grows too dim, your passion will fade.
I give you the pillar of hope. Hope that every step leads to a better place than the steps before. Hope that your words will set the world on fire. Hope that everything that you touch turns into success. Hope that just around the corner is the victory of victories. Hope propels us forward. With it, the future is always bright; without it, darkness snuffs out the light. When you find yourself running out of steam, remember it is hope that fuels you, its abundance is never-ending. Don’t let your hope for a brighter day blind you from the realities of today. Instead, let hope be the blueprint that fuels your never-ending commitment for change and equality.
I give you the pillar of self-worth. Self-worth is one of the most powerful tools one can possess. Others cannot find value in something that does not present itself as valuable. Let your self-worth and your self-valuation be priceless. Let no one or nothing appraise your potential. Let your self-worth and self-valuation be greater than the universe. Your very DNA is derived from greatness and immeasurable journeys filled with both times of healing and great pain. Wear your battle scars like badges of honor. They prove to the world that you will continue to get up when knocked down. That you will continue to remain steadfast in your worth even when the world around you is worthless.
I give you the pillar of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Your faith says you can when the world says you can’t. Your faith desires to see what the end will be when the beginning looks bleak. Faith removes the boundaries of comfort zones and thrusts you into a world where the only limitations are those you place on yourself. But your faith must be accompanied by deeds, or its value becomes no more precious than weeds. Your deeds force the world to listen and take account of your existence. Your faith speaks even when the world refuses to listen.
I give you the pillar of vision. Vision to look beyond your current circumstances and see your destined place and position. Vision to recognize the material in a field of immaterial noise. Vision to recognize those things which keep you from your destined place and those things that will fuel the journey. Where there is no vision, there is no hope and no sense of direction. Put on the blinders of self-worth and determination and press toward the mark.
Your circumstances will always be a part of where you are and what you do, but you don’t have to let that define or prevent you from moving forward. You don’t have to let it hold you back. Once you take the first step, though you may stumble at times, you will find it easier to get up and keep moving forward better than ever. Once you take that step and decide to move in a different direction, the rest falls into place.
The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is the willingness to fail. When you do fail, get back up. When you do fall, get up and try again. Failure is not a failure if it paves the way to success. It is a necessary step along the way to success. The only constant in life is change, and change is a part of life. Sometimes change brings with it uncertainty, volatility, and disappointment. Other times, change brings with it new opportunities and new life experiences.
No matter what change comes your way, you can rest assured that anything is possible as long as you keep your eyes on the prize. There is a path out there for you, and it is waiting for you to follow it to the finish line. By focusing on your vision and imagining what you want your life to be, you can and will get there.